The Gambling History- Where it Started and Where it is Heading!

If you think gambling is a modern invention, then you are surfing the wrong vote. It has a history before the Christ. There are enough historical proves those suggest the gambling history is very much connected with the human progress. Ancient Egyptian Tombs also carry the proves of gambling and different historical and mythological evidence in India, Greece and other parts of the world clearly points out the existence of gambling.

It all Started in the China

In terms of gambling history, China seems to provide the first evidence. According to historical findings, in china people used to play a game of chance and it involved the use of tiles. These tiles were there with a number that suggested a lottery kind of game. People used to decide the winner by disclosing the number by removing the tiles. The Chinese history has some strong evidence that the lottery was part of their civic society.


Greece was undoubtedly the official patronizer of gambling in the ancient history. According to Sophocles the dice were invented at the time when the Troy was seized. If we take his writing as prove then it means dice was there in the 500 BC, but the facts suggest that the dice were there before that.
Rome and Greece were places where people gambled on all kinds of things. Famous battles of gladiators are one of such example where people used to bet their money. This trend of gambling became so popular that the state had to ban all such gambling games. This ban from the state forced the Romans to come up with the idea of gambling chips which is still in use. People used to substitute the money with these chips and it helped them to save their money when they were caught.

Italy- the Land of First Casino

It was the Italians who came up with the concept of the casino for the first time. The gambling hubs were there in the Italy in the 17th century. Those gambling houses can be compared to the modern casino concept. In Italy governing bodies used to take care of the gambling games at the time of carnivals. Italy can be mentioned as the pioneer of organized gambling house in the gambling history.
In the 19th century, the trend of gambling started to spread all over the Europe. Official casinos started establishing themselves in the continental Europe. The US was also not away from this movement. Prosperous farmers started taking gambling as a fun sport and the center of such games were Mississippi.

The Present Scenario

Las Vegas is currently termed as the hub of casinos and gambling in the world, but this place is facing serious challenges now. The challenge is not from any real place, it is the virtual world. The Online casino is the new thing and it is surely making its mark in the gambling history. Popular casinos like Captain Cooks Casino, Luxury Casino are giving serious competition to the real casinos. Casinos like Zodiac Casino are coming up with new utilities and attracting more people to the world of online casino.

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